

Even Better Than the Real Thing--Day 44

You guys! I made this skirt in 26 minutes! (Using Disney's 20-minute skirt pattern, found here.)

I didn't realize until I was editing the photos that I look somewhat patriotic. Not intentional. The fabric of the skirt is a bit more purple-y, but for some reason it's reading blue. 

card catalog:
                  clutch--inherited from Grandma

The Boyfriend told me that I should be ready for a date night, eating sushi at my favorite place, getting snow cones and a surprise! 

I wanted to dress up in a skirt and had some time and this fabric, so I decided to see what I could do with it. I'm pretty happy with the results. And I'm glad I dressed up, because after dinner and snow cones, we went to a U2 concert!

Well, kind of. 

I have a bad track record with U2. It's like Bono knows I don't recycle as much as I should and is avoiding me. But yeah, I'm 0 for 3 on seeing U2 live. TB knows this, and for my birthday this year, got me tickets to see them! Wooo! 

And then Bono broke his back. Boo.

So, for the surprise "concert", TB got the 360 concert Blue-Ray and charmed his bosses at the church he works at to use the space for our date. We had U2 in 360 on 5 screens and fabulous sound quality. I even raised up my phone and waved it. 

It was amazing. 

Best seats, with the best date.

(46/90 to go!)


Anonymous said...

You look fantastic---love the skirt! I really need to learn to make my own...would help with that whole saving money/occasional boredom with my wardrobe thing!

Petite Gorgeous said...

Beautiful skirt, and the color is amazing!

If you haven't enter my J Crew Bracelet giveaway at

I hope you will enter to win soon :).

Liz said...

The skirt turned out great!

And I'm very impressed with the B's date night. How sweet! Glad you had fun.

karaL said...

Will you keep him please? BC that is the coolest date idea!!!

Beth said...

I think a sewing date is in order. :)

Anonymous said...

I am in awe of your skirt-making skills. That skirt is totally cute!

And what a sweet date your guy put together. I love it.

Colleen said...

I love your site!
I didn't realize people were as nuts as me taking pictures of themselves and their outfits daily until just recently and now I'm obsessed with finding other sites.

Amy Seager said...

Cute skirt - I love it!

Nelah said...

Hi I've just come across your blog. What a smart idea to make your own cloth! I wish I was as good as you. We seem to share a similar budget mind. I've recently adopted a "No Buy Policy" so that I don't go on a major shopping spree.

Unknown said...

caffieinerd--you should! if you have access to a sewing machine, there's TONS of good patterns in blog world. (Most skirts are just rectangles of fabric, so they're a good starter project...)

petitegorgeous--thank you! i did enter and am crossing my fingers.

elizabeth--thank you! i was impressed. i think i shall keep him.

kara--you KNOW i will. :)

beth--this week?

closet365--he's pretty amazing. just gotta get in him some shoes other than chacos. :)

colleen--oh, girl. you have NO idea what you've gotten yourself into.

green pickles--thanks!

nelah--my budget lately is "no budget" as well, although if you find fabric on sale, you can make a skirt for between $2-3 here. I'd like to learn how to make other things, too!

Colleen said...

Well it's not like I haven't been taking my daily picture every day for 5 years so it isn't too much more that I'm getting myself into

Anonymous said...

i'm inspired. and jealous!

my captcha is tiona, maybe that for a kara nickname?

Anonymous said...

1) That skirt is so awesome! It looks really great. And no one else has one just like it!

2) The U2 concert thing your boyfriend set up? Pretty much the most amazing thing ever! He definitely is a keeper, lucky girl :)

I really like your blog :) It'd be awesome if you could check out mine sometime!

Jess said...

your look is amazing...
i loved your clutch