

Cheaters Never Win (But they look darn cute!)--Day 16

So I know I've been kinda MIA on the posts. Mostly that's because by the time I get home, work has taken it's toil on my outfits. Today for example, my coffee spilled on my dress twice while I was driving. Which is totally work's fault, because, who can work uncaffeinated?

I have been working on some projects, though. I am still going strong on the not shopping, although I did plunk down $1.94 for elastic to finish a skirt. (I already had the fabric purchased and cut out prior to the challenge beginning.) I'll be debuting that some time this week.

I also had bought this scarf a while ago at Target. It's from the Liberty of London line. And it's ginormous. (And actually, I just realized Target/Liberty call it a pareo. Oh.)

Now, you may not know this from my pictures so far, but I love a good scarf. Or even a bad one. They're totally a staple. But when they're TOO big, they remind me more of a tablecloth. And I don't know what to do with that. Until now.

I saw this dress on Wardrobes and Whimsy and was totally inspired. This scarf is about to be amazingly transformed into a DRESS!

I'll keep you posted on the results...

(73/90 to go!)


Jeep Thrills--Day 12

This weekend is totally kicking my butt. Not that I'm super busy, really, but there's just a lot of transitions on the horizon and it all became very real yesterday. I know it's just Sunday morning, but I already think a nap and some ice cream will be on the day's agenda! 

As we play around with photos, The Boyfriend often does these angled shots. I'm not sure what I think of them yet. I'm trying to be arty, but my face totally reminds me of Joey on Friends doing his "soap opera acting". I am liking the idea of using more interesting backdrops, though. 

I wore this outfit out to dinner Friday. And then The Boyfriend took his camera home, and we kept forgetting to upload them. So I'm behind and having a hard time writing anything about the outfit, other than, I really liked it. 

Now to get that ice cream. 

card catalogue:
                       necklace--American Eagle
                       skirt--Forever 21
                       shoes--Forever 21

(75/90 to go)


New Rule--Day 12

I almost caved. ALMOST. I don't know how it happened, but last night I found myself *just checking* ebay for my favorite sellers. You know, to see what they were selling. Not to buy anything, I told myself.

And then I saw THE BOOTS.

Great goodness, buttery leather, there they were! J. Crew knee-high riding boots in my size. They were glorious. Perfect. Magnificent.

And the price was still under $10 with only 37 minutes left. I almost--ALMOST--caved. No one, aside from me, would know right? I could totally just mix them in and tell everyone that they had been hanging around my closet all winter, unworn. You would have totally bought that, right?


I hovered over the mouse button, and hit click to bid. These are THE BOOTS. The ones I have been waiting for all season. I pictured myself wearing them with skinnies and my chambray shirt, a la Reese Witherspoon. Because, you know, I LOOK JUST LIKE HER.

And then I realized, no matter how great, they wouldn't be worth it.

I would know.

You would probably know.

I hit "cancel".

So, seeing as how it's only 12 days into my shopping challenge and I'm already finding it hard to not shop, I'm enacting a new rule for myself:

4. Any item purchased in violation of rules 1 & 2 must be worn DAILY until the end of the challenge.

I think that will fix me. I may have loved those riding boots and wanted to scandalously make out with them, but come July, I would have probably wanted my flat sandals back. And I can't picture ANY clothing item that I'd want to wear for the next 78 days.

I'll be posting a new outfit from today sometime tonight!


Birthday Party--Day 10

There are two things I learned from this photo series. One: Check your hair before photos. Two: Check the shadow. 

Yesterday was my not-so baby brother's 21st birthday. The Boyfriend and I took him out for dinner and his very first (legal) drink. And then the guy didn't even card him. Boo to that. But he did comp us two carafes of Sake and a shot for The Brother. So we'll still be friends with him. 

This shirt is maybe the comfy-iest item of clothing I own. I had been looking for a chambray shirt all Spring and then this one went on sale at Gap a few weeks ago. (Pre-shopping ban!) I'm thinking it will see a lot of wear this summer with shorts and skirts. 

card catalogue:
                      chambray shirt--Gap
                      skirt--Charlotte Russe
                      sandals--Cynthia Vincient for Target

(80/90 to go!)


Theater Date--Day 7

You may have known this, but I just figured it out: 

It's darn hard to take photos in a poorly lit parking garage. And embarrassing, if you are the kind of person who gets nervous when large groups of people walk by. I do. 

I've never really been someone who is comfortable in front of the camera. Any time I have a picture taken, I look at photos after and very rarely like them. But this little blog's photos are helping me to look at pictures of myself without cringing. 

In this shot, my hand is a bit blurry, but it was the best one. We're both still working on the angles and things. I'm hoping as he learns better shots, I learn better posing. (For example, if he angles the camera down at me AT ALL, I look a little stumpy. We learned that last night. That's why I'm waving at you here...HI!) 

The Boyfriend and I, thanks to my lovely momma, went to the Theater last night and saw a Cirque show. I wore the outfit below, while The Boyfriend wore gray pants and a white shirt with his tie. So we basically matched. Which isn't my favorite. Although I read that that's actually a thing in Japan among dating couples. So I'm choosing to believe we were following a world trend instead of just being dorky. 

card catalogue:
                      silk tunic--Gap
                      necklace--Forever 21
                      pencil skirt--The Limited

(83/90 to go)


Something Blue--Day 6

Last night, the Boyfriend and I went on a wedding date. Boyfriend and I actually met at the Bride's apartment, through another friend. Pretty sure the first time we talked it was about our iPhones and back-up batteries. Because we're both smooth like that. 
I realized that all the outfits from this week feature bold colors. I like wearing them a lot, even though I feel like I can wear almost any color. But I keep reaching for those deeply saturated hues and love them all. 
This dress is amazingly comfortable and the perfect length. The shoes, too, are wonderful. That raised platform and wedge makes it feel like I'm not wearing heels at all. Boyfriend and I love to Swing dance, so I did kick the shoes off for that, but that was the only time I didn't keep them on my feet all night. 

card catalogue:
                           necklace--forever 21
                           wrap--old navy

And here's the Boyfriend/photographer:

Good thing he didn't have any boogies. But isn't he cute?

(84/90 to go!)


Rainy Day Rules--Day 5

This morning at 5 a.m., tornado sirens went off. Only they weren't for tornadoes, they were for wind gusts up to 100 mph. Several schools (as well as many local homes) in my district lost power and the school board cancelled all schools today. Luckily, we have power, so I get to catch up on my Tivo and run errands, feeling only slightly guilty. We don't even have to make the missed day up. 

This outfit (and, I suppose, nature) lets me showcase my fun houndstooth rainboots. I see rainboots out and about often, even if it's not rainy, with shorts, and I get that and all, but I think it's fun to use them for their functional purpose. 
I got the blazer (which is made of nylon) at H&M almost 7 years ago. It's my stand-in for a trench. I love this shade of green. The skinny jeans are J. Crew Matchstick, which I think are the only jeans I really ever wear (I have 3 pair in different colors.) The yellow umbrella was my gramma's, and turned inside out seconds before taking photos. It also has a huge inkstain on it. I still love it. 

Card catalogue: 
                           striped T--American Eagle
                           necklace--Ann Taylor
                           skinny jeans--J. Crew
                           umbrella--Gramma's Hall closet

Since we're 5 days into this whole thing, I thought I'd share the rules of "90 days" with both of my readers. (Hi, darlings!)

The Rules
1. No new clothes. This includes retail, thrifting, ebaying and garage sale-ing. Borrowing is okay, as is gifting. 

My sweet boyfriend asked if he could still buy me clothing as a gift. Um...YES. Also, perfect example of why he’s a keeper. He absolutely knows I’ll be clawing the walls by Day 32 itching to go to Target and buy anything I can get my grubby, shopping-deprived hands on. 

2. No new shoes. Retail, thrifting, garage saleing, ebay, etc. The exception is for a ONE pair that go with a bridesmaid’s dress for a wedding in July. You’d better believe I’m going to milk that shopping op.

Also, I realized that sometimes shopping is the point, not just buying something for me. So I toyed with allowing myself to buy clothing as gifts. And then I realized that while The Boyfriend would have a fashionable, trendy wardrobe by the end of 90 days, I would have saved no money and this whole project would have been a waste of Spring’s current clearance sales. 

3. No purchasing clothing for others. Anywhere. 

And I think that’s pretty much it. I tried to cover all my loopholes, but may have missed some, in which case, I’ll be posting the additional rules. Anyone have any thoughts on things I should add? 

(85/90 to go)


"Favorites"--Day 1

I shop too much. 

There. I can admit it. 

And I’m moving out of state in less than 3 months. Hard to believe it’s coming so soon. 
I need to save money. I need to NOT accumulate more stuff before I have to downsize.  

So, inspired by my girlcrush, Kendi and her “30 for 30”, I’m doing something hard (for me). I’m giving up clothes shopping for 90 days. I don’t think I’ve ever gone a week without shopping. The myriad of clothes decorating my floor will prove it. 
Instead, I will re-mix and shop my own closet for 90 days. And then I'll post the outfits. It’s a challenge and I’m up for it. Stick with me and cheer me on. I’m going to need it! 

(Also, please hold my hand. I’m a little scared.)

Outfit 1: This sweater is the perfect geranium color. That pinky reddish with cute beading around the neckline. And plaid top is a favorite, for sure. I’m a sucker for anthro. Those ripped up jeans that are so on trend right now? They’re 6 or so years old. Probably soon to be shorts. And the shoes you can't see? Well, they’re my favorites. Plan on seeing them often in the next 90 days. 

(That's called anticipation, friends.)

See that dog, there? That's Topher. He's pretty proud of me. 

I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. 

card catalogue: 
                        top---anthropologie (edme&esylite)
                        destroyed jeans---abercrombie

(89/90 to go!)