

Evolution--Day 53

It's HOT where I live. And it doesn't help that the humidity is about 137%, so I've been wearing lots of shorts and tanks, which, yes, those are my outfits, but hardly blog-worthy. 

I thought I found a loophole, though. It had rained and was "cold" (78 degrees), so I thought I could get away with jeans and this lightweight shirt that had been sitting in my closet all alone. This outfit made me feel very "Gardening in the Hamptons," if of course, I had staff to do the actual gardening. And a garden. And a house in the Hamptons. Maybe Martha Stewart and I could do a home exchange. 

card catalog: 
                   white jeans--Abercrombie (old...)
                   yellow wedges--Old Navy

And then the sun came out. It was hot again. So I changed.

card catalog: 
                T-shirt--Thakoon for Target

I thought I would be okay, but then the temperature jumped up another 10 degrees and my poor A/C could barely keep up. Another change was in order:

(Oh, look! A blue skirt!)

card catalog: 
                  skirt--Old Navy
                  sandals--Cynthia Vincent for Target

(37/90 to go!)


eek said...

I love seeing the progression of outfit changes as the weather changed :)

Great blue skirt!

Melissa said...

Such a fun idea for a post! Your remixes were very creative and I LOVE the blue skirt and yellow sandals!