

Focused--Day 54

My photos are a point of frustration. I bought a camera remote a few weeks ago, but it's somehow not auto-focusing when I shoot. So the effect is a little blurry. Or maybe we could all just call it "artistic". Let's go with that. 

This was a risky outfit for me, but I feel like somehow it all worked. The neutral shoe and top ground the skirt and belt, which are similar enough in color to "go". I wore this to get Chik-Fil-A with a friend. (Mmmm...nuggets and waffle fries...)

card catalog:
                   striped shirt--Gap
                   belt--Old Navy
                   shoes--Nine West

(36/90 to go!)


Taylor said...

You certainly look more fashionable than most people I see at Chickfila! I love this look; everything "goes."

Anonymous said...

Looks great--I think the belt pulls everything together perfectly! And I love a striped tee :)

Colleen said...

I have loved target for the past few years. I love seeing that you have lots from there.

Recently I decided I needed to expand my dress section since I have 3 one of which is from 10th grade and my cat just snagged. So I bought 2 at target shows them. When I was at Target trying them on I thought about how you would think of such cute things to wear with them. And I thought of other fashion blogs I read. (Then I thought how I need a life if I think of bloggers and not people I actually know)