

Studly--Day 58

I did something different for these photos and took my photos in the front yard. Several neighbors drove by, slowed down and then sped off. It's probably safe to assume that they think I'm crazy now. Good thing I'm moving soon!

This outfit started with the shoes and took off. They drove it to a place I rarely go and I wasn't sure I was pulling off, and then a nice woman in Target complimented my outfit. And since she was also shopping at Target, I knew I could trust her judgment. 

I started with the clogs, then added the ripped jeans, studded T & belt. Then I found myself stacking on jewelry. Three rings, earrings and a charm bracelet just to girl-ify the outfit back a little. I felt it balanced out the studs on the shoes, tee, belt and ring. I hardly ever wear this much jewelry. 

Not gonna lie, though, I felt a little bit Rock 'n Roll. 

These clogs are the best ever. They found me, I think. I had been salivating over the Hasbeens ones, but knew that, at $228, they would NEVER be in my price range. And then, one magical day at Plato's, I found these beauties for about $216 less. That, friends, is a bargain. (And here's the same style on ebay in brown, size 7.) 

card catalog:
                  rings--Fossil, Laundry, Vintage 
                  belt--Miley Cyrus for Wal-Mart
                  clogs--Madden via Plato's

(32/90 to go!)


Frances Joy said...

Very rock and roll. Love it!

Valerie said...

What a great concept, I just found your blog and I love it! The studs on your belt are so fun and edgy. Great look!


Rose @ Rose & Violette said...

The only thing missing is the aviator sunglasses and it would've been a perfect rock and roll outfit.

But whatever, really, you're cool.

And thanks for mentionning how awkward it is taking photos of ourself in a public space.

I can't wait to Saturday to wear my first casual outfit of the 30/30 challenge!

eek said...

Those are some fabulous clogs! You are rockin' it today!

Tiffany Jen said...

wow~ i can't believe you got those clogs for soo cheap! that's awesome! cute outfit... so effortless :)